Shelley is a Functional Nutritionist and health detective at heart. She's passionate about seeing the change from what we put in our bodies - which is why we wanted to grab her thoughts on exactly what 'detox' means...Â
As a Functional Nutritionist in the Wellington  CBD,  I know that many  of my clients are busy  people and  it’s my job to make it easy  for them  to  find  their  best health possible.  I see my role as a Functional Nutritionist  as  educating  clients and bringing awareness, because when you have awareness you are empowered to make choices to support your body the best you can. Â
But, let’s be honest.  Most of us  lead busy lives these days and that’s just how it is. Where we can, we need to simplify our lives and support  our  bodies  so we can all enjoy the best health possible. Â
While I don’t like to alarm clients and friends  and  family about the state of our environment these days,  I’m sure  all of us area already  awar e of how much more we’re being exposed to toxins, pollution, chemicals, synthetic substances, prescription drugs,  and  mould.  Â
Whether you  work in an office  where you’re  exposed to lights all day, a stay at home mum  with children who want to play barefoot outside on grass  that has been sprayed with chemicals, or  a  student drinking coffee from  a  take-away coffee cup,  it’s hard to avoid the toxins we’re being exposed to. Â
Gaining the knowledge to help support your body in supporting your organs so you can be in optimal health is about being empowered. Did you know that your  liver is responsible for clearing out  all the toxins in your body?  Our livers are powerhouses and most of us don’t  even  realise  it.   Â
My focus in clinic is to always look at how clients can use diet and nutrition to support their organs and their body.  Which is why  I was delighted when Libertine Blends formulated their own detox tea, because now clients can support their livers  daily  in a very easy way.  The blend is a mix of dandelion root, milk thistle, nettle leaf, cinnamon,  liquorice  and peppermint.  Â
No supplements required, no extra work. With just a cup of tea each day, you can now support your liver to help  it  deal with the daily load of toxins.  Of course,  if your liver is really congested or you have a chronic health condition,  this is not enough. But for dealing with the daily exposure of toxins,  this new tea blend gives  your  liver the love it needs. Â
Sometimes we think of detox as being a big thing that we need to do for a  length of time, but we need to  realise  it’s a daily thing.  Every day, we need to help  our body detox its system. When our bodies are filled with toxins,  it’s  the  cause  of daily stress for our bodies, it puts us into our sympathetic,  autonomic state (stress state), while we want to be parasympathetic (rest, digest, detox).  Anything we can do to bring down the internal stress is good for our systems.  Â
That brings me to another reason I love this tea; it’s called exhale, so as you build this tea ritual into your daily habits (and remember,  optimal health is  just  a bunch of easy daily habits that have become routines),  take a deep breath and a longer exhale and welcome that feeling of being in your parasympathetic state.  Life looks so much better when our bodies are in this state, this is when we can find our flow.    Â
So,  brew your tea, get ready to love your liver and take that deep breath and support your whole autonomic system at the same time.  Â
We sell Exhale online – order a 2-bag sample, 15-bag or 40g pack or a 50-bag pack here.
More information on Shelley; instagram / facebook as @shelleygawithfnÂ
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